
This week I made a baby dress inspired by the colours in my garden at the moment. I so named it Raspberry Rose.

 It’s made with Liberty lawn cotton and has two tiers of what are becoming my signature flounces.

I must admit that I had to put down this project a couple of times and walk away as the fabric was difficult to gather and stay put! I nearly called this post blood, sweat and tears.

I love the end result though and will be making more in a range of fabrics.

During one of my intervals I popped into the garden to feed the chickens and noticed that despite the rain, my garden has begun to yield some delicious looking fruits.

The blueberries, apples, strawberries and raspberries are ripening right up. I’ve been making plenty of smoothies lately.

We’ve also got a beautiful white rose-bush that was so sad-looking last year it didn’t flower. We moved it to a sunnier position and we have some gorgeous blooms this ‘summer’. 

I cut just one to look at in a glass while I made the dress.

Although the weather is driving me crazy it has been fun watching wall to wall Wimbledon with a whole pile of strawberries! I’m liking the patriotic box too. Come on Andy Murray…



March 30, 2012

As this entire week has been dedicated to being outdoors I thought I’d just post a few little snaps of lazy and hazy days. I have loads of work lined up for the next few weeks so thought it would be good to kick back and do as little as possible this week.

There is something satisfying about embracing idleness. We spend every waking minute employed in all kinds of activities but it’s wonderful to step away and appreciate the minutes and hours drifting by. I refuse to feel guilty about all the things I should have been doing. It’s March and someone said it is going to snow next week… I found out some retro red sunnys and caught a few rays.

Tiny had a treat this week and was given a walker with a dazzling light display. Shame that it may just drive me to distraction if she presses the puppy song button to many times. We got a coffee and walnut cake for our efforts and I made some tropical ice cream in honour of the heat. I have to say that pulverizing passion fruits gets tedious after a while and I will probably use ready-made juice next time. Although the fresh tanginess of fresh citrus fruits with a little meringue is great.

I got a few fabric roses made as I set up a little outdoor studio on Wednesday. I’ve been excited about using some BEAUTIFUL peacock feather print silk I received a couple of weeks ago. I don’t have much of it and so want to make something special. Watch this space.